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Mailgo in React / Angular / Vue / Hugo


Install mailgo through

npm install mailgo


yarn add mailgo

and then

import mailgo from "mailgo";

and then you can call


to initialize mailgo.

You can customize mailgo installation with an optional config parameter. See Configuration section to use config object. Just pass it as a parameter of mailgo function.

BREAKING CHANGES from version 0.10.*: you can also use

const Mailgo = require("mailgo");

but then you have to call


Second way

Install mailgo through

npm install mailgo


yarn add mailgo

and then just

import "mailgo/dist/mailgo.min.js";



in App.js, index.js or any other root component.

No configurations are allowed directly, except for Configuration in window.

React examples

You can see a React complete example of using mailgo (in particular using create-react-app) in this repository:


See the detail in Next.js section


Install mailgo through

npm install mailgo


yarn add mailgo

then add mailgo to your .angular-cli.json in this way

"styles": [
"scripts": [


Install mailgo

npm install mailgo


yarn add mailgo

and then import mailgo

import mailgo from "mailgo";

into main.js, and then you can call


to initialize mailgo.

Vue examples

Here a repository of a project created through vue-cli using mailgo:


Standard installation methods are supported. The simplest solution is to install mailgo into one of your content files (a post or page) using the CDN method since anything added in the content markdown file is included in the content page body on site generation.

# page front matter

<!-- content -->

<!-- usage -->
<a href="#mailgo" data-address="matteo" data-domain="">write me!</a>

<!-- install -->
<script src=""></script>

Hugo 0.60.0 and higher

Hugo changed its default markdown library to Goldmark in its 0.60.0 release. The use of inline HTML is no longer supported by default. You must update your site config for mailgo to function as an inline HTML element.

config.toml sample - more info on the Hugo blog

unsafe = true

Partial templates and shortcodes

In Hugo, you can create a partial template for mailgo to include it in the head of every page, or you can write a custom shortcode for insertion into individual content pages.

Here is a sample use of a custom shortcode that includes the mailgo icon - original gist


{{ if .Get 1 }}
<a href="#mailgo" data-address="{{ .Get 0 }}" data-domain="{{ .Get 1 }}">
<img src="/icon/mailgo.png" {{ with .Get 2 }} height="{{ . }}" {{ end }}/>

<!-- script automatically included wherever shortcode is used -->
<script src=""></script>
{{ end }}


<!-- using mailgo shortcode..
arg 0 - data-address
arg 1 - data-domain
arg 2 (optional) - icon height

{{< mailgo ormsbyadam 100 >}}

Adding mailgo in a partial or shortcode avoids using inline HTML in your markdown files. With this method, you are not required to update your site config file as shown in the section above.