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Usage for mailto


After any type of installation, by default all the mailto: links will be enabled with mailgo automatically and will appear also cc, bcc, subject and body parameter, if provided.

<a href=""></a>

Here an example of dark mode, you can read the default about it here.
<a class="dark" href=""
> (dark mode)</a
> (dark mode)

Do you want to prevent the spam? Use a less-spam usage instead the default usage!

<a href="#mailgo" data-address="matteo" data-domain=""
>write me!</a
write me!
  • add href="#mailgo" to <a>
  • add data-address and data-domain to re-create your email address

Another less spam usage (#2)

<a class="mailgo" data-address="matteo" data-domain="" href=""
>write me!</a
write me!
  • add class="mailgo" to <a>
  • add data-address and data-domain to re-create your email address

Exclude a single mailto

To exclude a single mailto link add to the <a> element the class no-mailgo

<a class="no-mailgo" href=""