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Usage for tel

mailgo will substitute automatically all the tel and callto links.

The default options enabled here are the opening in WhatsApp, Skype, default call and copy the phone number. To enable Telegram you have to provide the username to mailgo element, read here. Skype is enabled by default with the phone number, if you want to use the Skype username you can specify it: read this.


By default all the tel: and callto: links will be enabled with mailgo automatically.


<a href="tel:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789


<a href="callto:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789


By default, at the moment, sms is disabled on mailgo, you can enable it through the Configuration, at the moment the render of the modal is the same of the tel, but we are working on a better solution also for text messages.

href=#mailgo and data-tel

You can enable mailgo also on elements with href=#mailgo and data-tel attribute specified.

<a href="#mailgo" data-tel="123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789


<a href="callto:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789

class=mailgo and data-tel

You can enable mailgo also on elements with class="mailgo" and data-tel attribute specified.

<a class="mailgo" data-tel="123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789


<a href="callto:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789

SMS body parameter

In sms: mailgo you can also specify a body parameter, that will be present as the body of the message in WhatsApp and Telegram.

<a href="sms:+39 123-456-78?body=text">Send an SMS</a>
Send an SMS

Exclude a single tel/callto

To exclude a single tel/callto link add to the <a> element the class no-mailgo

<a class="no-mailgo" href="tel:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
+39 123456789
