Examples with tel links
You can see examples in this CodePen (mailgo demo), in examples
folder in the repository or on mailgo examples.
A tel link with mailgo (without Telegram)
<a href="tel:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
Dark mode
<a class="dark" href="tel:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
A callto link with mailgo (without Telegram)
<a href="callto:123456789">+39 123456789</a>
A tel link with skype username (without Telegram)
<a href="tel:123456789" data-skype="skype">+39 123456789</a>
A complete tel example (with Telegram username)
<a href="tel:123456789" data-telegram="telegram">+39 123456789 or telegram</a>
Dark mode
<a class="dark" href="tel:123456789" data-telegram="telegram"
>+39 123456789 or telegram</a